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Battery fix cm7

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Download: cm7 released droidx droid life, Download: cm7 released for the droidx. all kinds of fixes for cm7 including camera fix, and battery life for me.. Custom firmware - [cm7] neutrino rom v2.9 vondroid community, - massive 54% cut in size cm7 + gapps = ~150mb uncompressed, neutrino rom = ~80mb uncompressed. results in a much snappier, unsluggish and fast experience..

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Cm7 battery drain - page 2, That' normal draining. easy 8 hours moderate cm7. sounds bad battery.. That's not normal draining. I can get easy 8 hours with moderate use on cm7. Sounds like you may have a bad battery. Cyanogenmod - battery life fluctuating, I installed cm7 lg p500, battery lasts 30 hours, 8 hours, usage power state (conservative).. I installed CM7 on my LG P500, and ever since the battery sometimes lasts 30 hours, sometimes for 8 hours, under the same usage and same power state (conservative). Severe battery drain page 2 android tablet forum, Battery life nook cm7, cm 10 nook color deep sleep, hisense battery issues, hisense hu draining battery, fix hisense antriod tablet hold charge. battery life nook cm7, cm 10 nook color deep sleep, hisense battery issues, hisense hu draining battery, how do u fix a hisense antriod tablet that want hold charge

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